CESHK Annual Conference 2003

Comparing educational change in transforming societies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Education
Hong Kong, 18 January 2003 (Saturday)
(Updated as of January 15, 2003)

About the conference

The annual conference is our tradition of promoting scholarship in comparative education. We Hong Kong scholars have continued to shape this academic domain with professional discourses in English, Cantonese Chinese and Putonghua, languages with which our local experience and voices can be heard. We have also made this conference an international platform that scholars from neighbouring countries came to sharing their experiences. In the last few years, scholars from Korea, Thailand, Russia, Philippines India, Bangladesh, England, Australia, etc. attended our conferences. As globalization is becoming a prevailing phenomenon, comparing educational changes in different social context provides us vehicle for comparing notes on intellectual enquiry and issues in educational development.

Theme: Comparing educational change in transforming societies Languages: The conference languages include English, Chinese and Putonghua.

Programme: (Click here for the complete programme (in MS Word format, in pdf format) and the schedule for the parallel sessions)

Venue: Ho Tim Building, B5 (click here for the map)

08:45 – 09:30 Registration
09:30 – 09:55 Annual General Meeting (click here for the Agenda in MS Word format, in pdf format)
10:00 – 10:45 Opening Remark: Prof. Chung Tue-ping, Dean, Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Opening Keynote Speech: “Placing the Comparative Lens on Education and Ethnicity” Dr. Gerard Postiglione, The University of Hong Kong

Closing Keynote Speech: Dr. Mok Ka-ho, City University of Hong Kong

10:00 – 10:45 Refreshment Break and Book Display

11:00 – 12:30 Parallel Sessions

12:30 – 13:30 Buffet Lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Parallel Sessions

15:00 – 15:15 Refreshment Break and Book Display

15:15 – 16:45 Parallel Sessions

16:45 – 17:30 Closing Keynote Speech: “Globalization and Structural Adjustment: Analysing Comparative Education from Public Policy Perspectives” Dr. Mok Ka-ho, City University of Hong Kong

For presenters: please keep Prof. Xiao Jin informed as soon as possible if you require any IT and other arrangement by noon January 14, 2003!

A newly launched internationally refereed journal, Globalization, Society and Education (GSE), edited by Roger Dale and Susan Robertson, along with the CESHK’s Comparative Education Bulletin, are calling for paper contributions. Papers presented at the CESHK Annual Conference 2003 will be considered for publication.

To promote sharing our academic works, we plan to set up a Display Section for participants so that you can display your personal recent publications and your associated organization’s research projects. You can now prepare for that and bring them to the conference. You could bring a piece of poster about your organization, or bring publications for sale or for distribution. Please let Prof. Xiao Jin know that in detail (such as you need a table or a display stand for a poster, or bring up your books, etc) as early as possible.

Registration fee and lunch – FREE!!

Member (Professional)
Membership fee (2003) HK$ 150

Member (Student)
Membership fee (2003) HK$ 100

All members are automatically eligible to attend the Conference free. What you need to do is to simply re-register your membership for this calendar year (Full Membership fee: $150. Student: $100). Those who have paid the Conference registration fee will get the money back at the Conference.

Registration and payment should be sent to:

Prof. Xiao Jin (PhD)
Executive Committee, Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong
c/o Department of Educational Administration
Faculty of Education
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sha Tin, N.T
Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2609-6913
Fax: (852) 2603-6129
E-mail: xiaojin@cuhk.edu.hk

Sponsor: Department of Educational Administration & Policy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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