Wu Zhi-kan (1996)

Wu Zhi-kan (1996). Bi jue jiao xue lun (Theories on comparative instruction). Bei-jing: Ren min jiao yu chu ban she

Abstract (178 English words) [cited in the book, p.1]

Comparative instruction is the study of theory and practice of instruction in comparative perspectives. The main purpose of this book is to look at instruction cross-culturally, using Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism, and Modern Systemics as a means of  instruction research, and to present new insight.

The whole book is divided into ten chapters: the first chapter is to discuss the object and the methodology of comparative instruction, the second chapter is to describe the historical development of instruction research in foreign countries, the third chapter is to sum up the historical development of instruction research in China, the fourth and fifth chapter are to highlight the task, process and principles of teaching horizontally, the sixth chapter is to investigate curriculum theory and practice worldwidely, the seventh chapter is to analyse various teaching methods, the eighth chapter is to classify the forms of teaching organization, the ninth chapter is to explore teaching explorations, and the last chapter is to predict the trend of modern instruction research in world-wide context, and  the perspectives in the field of comparative instruction.

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