Guo li Tai-wan shi fan da xue jiao yu yan jiu zhong xin (1991). Da lu di qu gao deng jiao yu zhi du zhi yan jiu (A national study of higher educational systems in Mainland China). Tai-bei: Dan wei jiao yu bu | |
An overview of the book (290 English words):
In order to gain deep understanding of the development, reform and current problems in higher education of Mainland China, the research project was undertaken by educational specialists from National Taiwan Normal University in 1991. The scope of investigation includes nine items, namely, developmental background, policy-making, organizational and schooling structures, administrative and managerial functions, teacher qualifications, student management, curriculum and pedagogy, postgraduate education and adult education. The research methods were a documentary analysis of reference books, journals, periodicals, encyclopedia, thematic studies on higher education in Mainland China and some interviews with some universities and colleges in Mainland China. The research report consists. of eleven chapters. Chapter One introduces the research rationale and objectives, scope of investigation, research methodology and structure of the report. Chapter Two outlines the historical development of higher education in Mainland China before and after Cultural Revolution and during post-Mao era, followed by the educational policy analysis in the corresponding periods in chapter Three. Chapter Four sketches the schooling, organizational structures and highlights the existing problems of higher education in Mainland China whilst chapter Five discusses its administrative organization and management. Chapter Six investigates the educational background, allocation, proficient assessment, number and age distribution, status, salary and benefits of university teachers whilst chapter Seven focuses on university student admission, higher educational objectives and graduate allocation mechanism in Mainland China. Chapter Eight briefs the relationships between curricula and pedagogy especially in science, political and legal, teacher, foreign, agricultural and medical education. Chapter Nine studies the development and current situation, administrative structure, teachers’ qualifications and managerial systems of postgraduate education. Chapter Ten scrutinizes the development, current situation, types of schools, student admission, examination system, professionalism and future reform directions of adult higher education with a final conclusion in chapter Eleven. |
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